Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who I should be...

So many people here in Denmark continuously rave about the previous exchange students and how 'crazy' they were. It's nice to know they made a good impression, but I feel like I have so much pressure to be just as 'crazy'. The problem is; i'm not like them, I am just me. I am going to make this trip as enjoyable and thrilling as possible, but only to suit who I am. Not what they think I should be... I am my own person so I will do what I want. I have no standards to meet but my own, as I only have myself to compare. I am me.


  1. hey riley, its jess brain from thornlands primary...iv been following your journey and it sounds amazing Its such a great thing to do instead of going straight into uni. I'm taking a gap year too and am saving up to travel. I hope your having an amazing time, I'm really enjoying reading about everything your doing, i really admire your strength and courage! xx

  2. Hi Ri,

    Good to hear from you, keep being yourself.



  3. That's right girl!! Be yourself!!

  4. i understand you completely! they all talk about how crazy and awesome the old aussies were... good to know someone else feels the same way :)
